Hide and Seek, Strong and Meek

Have you ever had one of those magical moments of connection – a flash of familiarity that slips through your fingers like quicksand? And then lingers under your skin for the rest of the day?

An Open Love Letter from Water

Dear human, Hey! It’s me, Water. I know this world can feel overwhelming and lonely sometimes, but I just want to make sure you know how much I adore every fiber of you.

The Dark Side of Paradise

Tonight I walked in the rain and passed two small boys sleeping on the ground under the awning of a convenience store, wrapped around each other’s tiny bodies, covered in cardboard boxes. Oh, my heart.

CryptoCurrency Bros & Salesman Shows

If I had a bitcoin for every time I’ve been sitting next to a guy in a public cafe, who is loudly hyping his new cryptocurrency brand, trying to get people on board – I would be rich.

Bali, My Heart & Birthday Fresh Starts

My soul has found an earth home! From the moment I arrived in Bali, I could feel it in my bones, in the anticipatory squeezing inside of my heart, and in my giddy grin.

Dog Biting & Fear Fighting

I was bitten by a dog 2 weeks ago, on a small island in Thailand. It’s a pretty wild panic that rises up inside of you, the first time you are forced to examine your fears around mortality and the fragility of life.

Physical Attractions, Surface Distractions

When I spend long stints of time wandering the world by myself, I often find myself reflecting on the nature of human attraction.

Especially as a woman who enjoys spending time alone, getting hit on becomes a regular experience. I am under no illusion that it’s because I am special by any means. It just happens. Especially if you are even a little bit warm and friendly. The circumstance does, however, make me wonder about this human dance of attraction, and how I am wired differently than this… (and i know i am not alone)

Comfort Zones & Frantic Phone(calls)

The neatest thing about traveling alone in a foreign country is that it forces you to grow some serious life hacking skills. To handle your shit and navigate outside of your comfort zone.